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Inventory management process key values plz

can anyone help me with the process key values

in my update rules i have this for issues

process keys= 100,101,104,105,106,110

and for receipts 000,001,004,005,006,010

what do they mean i am using the standard update rules

its very urgent becoz i am getting the stock values wrong


check oss note 352344 - Process key + reversals in Inventory Management ?
This note is a consulting note and describes the use of the process key (0PROCESSKEY) in Inventory Management (MSEG). It focusses on the way the system deals with reversed transactions for DataSources 2lis_40_s279 and 2lis_03_bf.

To be able to use theses DataSources, you ABSOLUTELY MUST activate the transaction key generation (process key, PROCESSKEY) using Transaction MCB_ (from the OLTP IMG for BW: SBIW) (standard, retail or consumption goods).

The following transaction keys are available

(PROCESSKEY/Appl. Component/Description):

000/MM Misc. receipts

001/MM Goods receipt / vendor

004/MM Article transfer posting receipt

005/MM Stock correction inventory +

006/MM Stock correction other +

007/IS-R Receipt value-only article (single article

010/MM Receipt from stock transfer

002/IS-R Merchandise clearing receipt

003/IS-R GR from DC

100/MM Misc. issues

101/MM Returns / Vendor

104/MM Article transfer posting issue

105/MM Stock correction inventory -

106/MM Stock correction other -

107/IS-R Issue value-only article (single article

110/MM Issue from stock transfer

102/IS-R Merchandise clearing issue

103/IS-R GI from DC

450/IS-R Generic Article (not relevant)

Remark: Transaction keys 002/003, 102/103 break down the core keys 010/110 in more detail with respect to retail processes. They are only available in an R/3 Retail.

As you can see in the overview, the transaction keys can be divided according to receipts and issues in Inventory Management. Furthermore, the transaction keys are displayed according to reversed and regular transactions.

A regular receipt has a debit/credit indicator "S" (SHKZG, 0DCINDIC), whereas a regular issue has a debit/credit indicator "H".

For reverse transactions the opposite is true.

Transaction D/C ind. D/C ind.



0 Misc. receipts regular reversed

1 Goods receipt / vendor regular reversed

2 Merchandise clearing receipt regular reversed

3 GR from DC regular reversed

4 Article transfer posting receipt regular reversed

5 Stock correction inventory + regular reversed

6 Stock correction other + regular reversed

7 Receipt value-only article regular reversed

10 Receipt from stock transfer regular reversed



100 Misc. issues reversed regular

101 Returns / vendor reversed regular

102 Merchandise clearing issue reversed regular

103 GI from DC reversed regular

104 Article transfer posting issue reversed regular

105 Stock correction inventory - reversed regular

106 Stock correction other - reversed regular

107 Issue value-only article reversed regular

110 Issue from stock transfer reversed regular

Note: You can also recognize a reversal for DataSource 2lis_03_bf by means of the entry 0STORNO = ´X´. The fields that are marked with X in the table are then transferred with negative +/- sign. This was not the case with DataSource 2LIS_40_S279!!! In the case of DataSource 2LIS_40_S279 more logic was required in the BW update rules to make sure that key figures were updated correctly.


In the delivered InfoCubes 0CP_IC_C1 (CP) and 0RT_C01 (Retail), for example in key "Stock correction +", transaction keys 5 and 6 were grouped together. Furthermore, distinction is to be made between the different stock types. Depending on which stock types you want to distinguish between in different key figures, you must use a corresponding condition (IF statement) in the update rules in the BW.

Example (pseudo source code):

  • Updating Routine "stock adjustment +" for 2lis_02_bfIF ( STOCKCAT is initial ) AND "Evaluated stocks ( PROCESSKEY = 5 OR PROCESSKEY = 6 )._ RESULT = TRANS_AMOUNT. RETURNCODE = 0. "Updating Key figureELSE. RETURNCODE = 4. "No Updating of KeyfigureENDIF.

The pseudo source code for 2LIS_40_S279 read as follows:

  • Updating Routine "stock adjustment +" for 2lis_40_s279IF ( STOCKCAT is initial ) AND "Evaluated stocks ( PROCESSKEY = 5 OR PROCESSKEY = 6 ). IF DCINDIC = 'S'. RESULT = TRANS_AMOUNT. "regular ELSE. RESULT = -1 * TRANS_AMOUNT. ENDIF. RETURNCODE = 0. "Updating Key figureELSE. RETURNCODE = 4. "No Updating of KeyfigureENDIF.

Here, the debit/credit indicator must be checked in accordance with the table above. Transactions 5 and 6 are receipts in Inventory Management. As the debit/credit indicator is set to "S", it is a regular transaction whose value(TRANS_AMOUNT) is assigned to the key figure. In the other case (debit/credit indicator = "H") it is a reversal, that is, the transaction should reverse a transaction that has already been updated. For this, the value is multiplied by -1 so that a corresponding decrease/reduction of this key figure is achieved during the update of the key figure in the InfoCube.

This logic is no longer required for the 2LIS_03_BF (see first pseudo source code), because the reversed quantity and values are automatically provided as negative with the help of the 0STORNO field.

Using this DataSource 2LIS_03_BF, it is for example possible to create a key figure such as "Reversed receipts", which is not a part of the Business Content delivered. The following pseudo source code of an update routine makes this clear:

  • Update routine "Reversed receipts"

IF ( PROCESSKEY = 1 ) AND (STORNO = ´X` ) "Reverse RESULT = -1 * TRANS_AMOUNT. RETURNCODE = 0.ELSE. RETURNCODE = 4. "no update of key figure!ENDIF.

Note: For DataSource 2LIS_40_S279 the pseudo source code read as follows:

  • Update routine "Reversed receipts"

  • for 2LIS_40_S279IF ( PROCESSKEY = 1 ) AND ( DCINDIC = H ) "Reverse RESULT = TRANS_AMOUNT. RETURNCODE = 0.ELSE. RETURNCODE = 4. "no update of key figure!ENDIF.

To be able to understand the overall scheme more comprehensively, you should have a look at the update rules of the Standard Business Content for retail or consumption goods (for example InfoCubes 0RT_C01 or 0CP_IC_C1).

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