Can anyone help me with information on how to use e-mail for sending ERS invoices. I want to sent the ERS invoices to a vendor how performed a service.
The first problem I encounter is that in the Vendor masterdata I can't fill in an e-mailaddress. And therefor I can't assign it to a partnerroll.
Is it also possible to use a distributionlist? That the ERS invoice is sent to that list and from there to email-recipents?
Georg Herder
You can store an email address at the vendor master (address). The fields must have been set to inactive in the configuration.
Please review the settings in the IMG.
Then go to Mat.Management/Logisitc Invoice Verification/Message Determination (IMG)
Here you can maintain the necessary message types ( I used the SAP standard ERS, copied to ZERS),
added Mail title "Automatic Invoice Verification &RBKP-BELNR&",
added Processing routine "5" External Send with program RM08NAST,
form-routine ENTRY_ERS, form MR_PRINT (or whatever copy you like to use),
in partner functions addedd medium "5" (now I have print, fax and email).
In detail of ZERS: Access sequence 0004 etc (all from output type ERS), Replacement of text...program RM08NAST,
Form routine MAILTEXT_REPLACE (to get the doc number into the email title),
Deflt values: "4" (immediate), Medium "5",
Partner function VN (you can use PI if required),
Communication strategy "ANZ" for fax and email, Timing 1 and 4 allowed (1 for RSNAST00, variant for "MR", "ZERS")
Next: Maintain Message Schema: MR0004 ERS Procedure (MRRL)(standard),
step 10 ERS6 (EDI), 20 ZERS (email/fax),
30 ERS (print). This schema is hardcoded!
Then "Maintain Conditions" ( or trans. MRM1, MRM2, MRM3), create the necessary output condition records
for e.g. ZERS for company code with medium "5" and timing "4" or per vendor...depends what you need
((Check what communication strategy is defined in your system)).
PS: had some trouble setting this up because the output type ERS and scheam MR0004 were only in client 000.
Had to copy the missing entries from 000 by table. ERS: TNATI has language "" which forces trouble when
you use it directly. I adjusted via SE16N (okcode &sap_edit) and transport manually. Also T683S was creating
a dump with SM31, used my own util-prog to copy from 000, transport manually.
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