You can require a vendor to submit an acknowledgment for each individual item of a purchasing document (PO, scheduling agreement, contract). This function allows you to select for expediting purposes purchasing documents for which no acknowledgment has yet been received.
- The external messages have been set up in Customizing for Purchasing.
You can also work with the standard settings. For further information, see - Message records must have been created through master data maintenance in the Purchasing menu.
- The Acknowledgment required indicator has been set in the relevant item of the purchasing document.
See Confirmations from the Purchasing Viewpoint
- The purchasing document involved must have previously been transmitted to the vendor.
You first generate messages for all purchasing documents for which acknowledgment expediting is necessary and then output these messages.
Generating a Message
- Choose
® Messages ® Monitor order acknowledgment. - Enter the criteria for selecting the purchasing documents to be checked with regard to outstanding order acknowledgments.
- Choose Program ® Execute.
- Select the documents for which you wish to issue order acknowledgment expediters.
- Save your selections.
You will see the purchasing documents your vendor has not yet acknowledged.
If you have set up the message determination process in such a way that the acknowledgment expediter is outputted immediately the application document is posted (transmission time-spot 4), you need not perform the following steps.
Outputting Messages Urging Submission of Overdue Acknowledgments
- To output the message, choose
- Enter the same selection criteria as in step 2 and specify message type AUFB for acknowledgment expediters.
- Choose Program ® Execute.
Procedure in System
The procedure depends upon whether you are working with or without a confirmation control key.
Without confirmation control key
The system suggests a purchasing document for acknowledgment expediting if
- The vendor has not yet delivered (only in the case of Pos) and
- No acknowledgment number exists (in the case of POs and outline agreements).
With confirmation control key
The system suggests a purchase order for acknowledgment expediting if
- The vendor has not yet delivered and
- The acknowledged quantity is less than the quantity ordered.
The system takes into account the monitoring period you have defined in Customizing for Purchasing (Confirmations ® Set up confirmation control ® Confirmation sequence).
The system suggests outline agreements for acknowledgment expediting if no acknowledgment number has been entered.
See also:
Outputting Messages
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