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Daily Ruling Prices for Precious Metals in SAP MM


There is a separate condition category for pricing components that vary according to daily fluctuations in ruling rates. It causes the price for the material to be redetermined according to the day’s ruling price at the time a purchase order is created or a goods receipt posted. In the case of the PO, the date chosen by you is taken. In the case of a GR, the key date is the posting date.


You must make the following settings for each precious metal in Customizing:

  • Define a non-dimensional unit of measurement (Global settings ® Check units of measurement)
  • Set up two new condition types (Purchasing ® Conditions ® Define price determination process ® Define condition types)
  • Make new entries in the calculation schemas Purchasing ® Condition ® Define price determination process ® Define calculation schema)

The settings for one precious metal are supplied in the standard system. If further precious metals are to be taken into account in the price determination process, they must be set up beforehand in Customizing. You can use the settings supplied in the standard system as a reference for copying purposes.

Non-Dimensional Unit of Measurement

You must create a unit of measurement that links the precious metal with the unit of measurement. (E.g. GAU for "gram of gold"). ("G" stands for "gram" and "AU" is the symbol for the chemical element "gold".) The proportion of the precious metal is specified for this unit of measurement in the material master record (e.g. 1 piece of wire = 3 GAU).

Two New Condition Types

  1. For the precious metal price portion (GAU1) included in the material price.
  2. For the current ruling price of the precious metal (GAU2).

Both condition types have condition class A, condition category U, and calculation rule C (quantity-dependent), and the same unit of measurement (e.g. GAU) must be assigned to each.

An access sequence must be assigned to the condition type for the current daily ruling price (GAU2). In the standard system, access sequence 0001 is defined for this purpose.

New Entries in Calculation Schemas

Document Schema

The two new condition types must be included in the document schema. Document schema RM0000 is available in the standard system.

The two condition types must be entered in the document schema in the above sequence. Different but directly consecutive steps must be assigned for both. The Statistical indicator may not be set for either.

The first condition type must be flagged as "manual" and have the calculation formula "31".

The second condition type may not be flagged as "manual". It must have the calculation formula "32" and the requirement "31".

Supplementary Calculation Schema for Price

Document schema RM0002 is available in the standard system.

Here you must enter the first condition type (GAU1). The Statistical indicator must be set.


For information on how to maintain current ruling precious metal prices, refer to Maintaining Customers’ Own Conditions.

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