(Note: up to Release 3.1H, "time-dependent conditions" were termed "master conditions".)
Validity periods and scales can be specified for these conditions. You can also define a price range (upper and lower limits). If the system adopts such a condition in a purchase order and the condition is then changed manually in the PO so that the price range is not adhered to, the system issues an error message.
No subtotals (net price, effective price) are created in the case of time-dependent conditions.
For more information on scales, please refer to the documentation:
SD Pricing and Conditions: Pricing Scales
SD Pricing and Conditions: Pricing with Graduated Scales
Conditions in Info Record and Purchasing Documents
Conditions in info records and contracts are always time-dependent. You can determine whether time-dependent or time-independent conditions can be maintained in quotations and scheduling agreements via the document type in Customizing. In the standard system, quotations and scheduling agreements are provided with time-dependent conditions.
The purchasing department concludes a contract with the vendor Meyer Co. regarding the purchase of 10,000 office desks. The agreement has a validity period of two years. In the first year, Meyer Co. grants a discount of 2% on each release order issued against the contract. For the second year, a quantity scale has been agreed. If Purchasing orders up to 50 desks, Meyer Co. grants a discount of 1%. If between 50 and 100 desks are ordered, the discount is 2%, and if 101 or more are ordered, the applicable discount is 3%.
SAP recommends working with time-dependent conditions for quotations and scheduling agreements, since these provide a wider range of processing options.
General Conditions
In addition to time-dependent conditions applicable to individual quotations, outline agreements, and info records, you can store time-dependent conditions representing more general pricing stipulations in the system.
You can specify general conditions at the following levels:
- Vendor
The purchasing department negotiates a 2% discount with the vendor Hubbard & Co., which the latter agrees to grant on all purchase orders placed with that company during the next half-year.
- Vendor sub-range
The conditions apply to all materials from a vendor’s sub-range. This saves you considerable time and effort with regard to data entry, since you need not maintain conditions for individual materials.
The purchasing department negotiates a 3% discount with vendor Meyer Co., payable by the latter with respect to all POs placed with that company in which more than 15 kg of materials are ordered from the sub-range "adhesives". The purchasing department orders 10 kg of component adhesive and 20 kg of liquid glue from this sub-range. Vendor Meyer Co. grants the 3% discount on this order.
- Condition group
The conditions apply to all materials offered by a vendor that belong to the same condition group (according to assignment in the relevant info records). This reduces your data-entry effort. (See also Conditions in Info Records).
- Material group, material type, Incoterms, invoicing party
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