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Creating Purchase Orders with Source Determination SAP MM Optimized Purchasing


It may be that no purchase requisition was created in the system for a certain requirement and the procurement process is to begin directly with a purchase order. This could be the case, for example, if the requirement was notified to Purchasing by ‘phone and the buyer wishes to create a PO immediately, even though he does not yet know which vendor is to receive it.

You have the option of using the source determination facility for such cases too.

As in requisition processing, the system suggests possible sources of supply for the material on the basis of existing quota arrangements, source list records, outline agreements, and/or info records.


Before using this procedure, you should know how to create requisitions and purchase orders manually.


To create a PO with source determination, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Purchase order
  2. ® Create ® Vendor unknown

    The initial screen appears.

  3. Enter the key of your purchasing group on this screen.
  4. Select the Source determination field if the source is to be determined automatically and assigned to a PO item after entry of the latter.

    Press ENTER to display the item overview screen.

  5. Enter the item data for the requested materials.
  6. You can also adopt items from an existing requisition by choosing Purchase order ® Copy requisition.

  7. If you did
  8. not select the field for automatic source determination on the initial screen, select the items to which a source is to be assigned. Then choose Edit ® Assign supply source.

    The system lists the possible sources for the material. If only one vendor exists for an item, the vendor is assigned to the item automatically. You can determine which vendor has been assigned to an item by displaying the item details.

  9. If more than one possible source exists for an item, a dialog box with a list of possible sources appears. You can either choose the desired source, or close the box if none of the sources is suitable.
  10. Price simulation:
  11. You can determine a certain source’s net or effective price by running a price simulation for one of the suggested sources.

    Position the cursor on the desired source in the dialog box and choose Price simulation. A second box appears, in which you enter the simulation data. Press ENTER to display the conditions for the source.

  12. Select the items for which you want to generate purchase orders. Then choose Edit
  13. ® Generate purchase order.

    If no suitable source currently exists for an item, you can save the latter as a requisition item so that already entered data is not lost.
    Select the items to be saved in this way, then choose Purchase order
    ® Save as requisition.

    You can also save items that cannot be converted into PO items (because they are subject to a release procedure, for instance) as purchase requisition items.

    If you have defined different document types for requisitions than those you defined for purchase orders, a dialog box appears. Use this box to change the document type.

  14. If the selected items are to be procured from more than one vendor, an overview of the vendors is displayed for selection purposes. Position the cursor on a vendor and click on Choose to generate the purchase order.

The system consolidates the items for the selected vendor and generates a purchase order. The system then issues an appropriate message.

Automatic Generation of POs from Requisitions SAP MM Optimized Purchasing


The SAP System can automatically convert requisitions that have been assigned to sources into purchase orders.

You can perform this function either online or in the background.

During conversion, the system attempts to consolidate as many requisition items as possible to form one purchase order. Usually, one PO whose contents can be regarded as belonging together is created for each purchasing organization, vendor, and contract.

A PC, a printer, and software are requested in several requisition items. Purchasing organization A is responsible for buying this equipment. The system determines contract 10 with vendor Smith as the source, and all requisition items are covered by one release order issued against contract 10.

When processing in the background, by making the appropriate pre-settings you can ensure that items from different purchase requisitions are consolidated to form a single purchase order (e.g. one purchase order per vendor and receiving plant in each case).

If the system is unable to complete the source determination and further processing functions for all items (e.g. due to missing data or the absence of unique sources), it generates a list of unprocessed items for you to process manually.


Automatic processing is recommended if you have a well-maintained system in which it is likely that the majority of requisition items can be converted into follow-on documents without manual intervention. Preconditions for successful automatic processing are a) sources are available for all items and b) the system can identify just one source for the requested materials or services out of several possible ones (e.g. on the basis of source list entries, designation of "regular vendors", and use of quota arrangements).

If you only have a few sources in your system, manual processing is advisable.


  • The system selects only those requisitions for automatic PO generation for which the indicator Automatic purchase order has been set for both the material and the vendor.
  • It can only generate purchase orders from requisitions to which a unique source of supply has already been assigned.


You have purchase requisitions with assigned sources in your system.
To generate purchase orders from these requisitions automatically, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Requisition
  2. ® Follow-on functions ® Create purchase order ® Automat. via requisitions. The initial screen appears.
  3. In the upper part of the screen, enter your organizational selection criteria (for example, the responsible purchasing group and the plant). In the lower part of the screen, enter the criteria for the selection of requisitions (for example, a number interval, a certain material or a date interval for requisitions released within this period).
  4. In the middle part of the screen, specify the cases in which a separate purchase order is to be created for a requisition item. (If requisitions for different plants are not to be included in the same purchase order, for example.)
  5. If necessary, set the indicator Omit faulty items.

    You can also perform the function as a test. To do so, set the Test run indicator. You can then see, for example, how many purchase orders are generated from the list of requisitions.

    Set the indicator Detailed log if you wish to perform and log the function in the background. The log shows which purchase orders have been generated, and which of them are faulty. It also provides detailed information on the error source for each faulty requisition item.

    (If you perform the function online, you can obtain detailed information on faulty items by double-clicking on the relevant line.)

  6. Invoke the function via

Program ® Execute,

Program ® Execute + print, or

Execute in background.

If you execute the program in the background, you will get a dialog box in which you must specify and save the print parameters before the function is started.

Possible Error Situations and How the System Reacts to Errors

This section discusses possible error situations and the way the system reacts to them.

A requisition item cannot be converted into a purchase order in the following circumstances:

  • If the master data is faulty or incomplete
    Example: The vendor is blocked or the current PO price is not available.
  • If input data is missing (for example, unknown account assignment)

Omit Faulty Items

If you have specified that faulty items are to be omitted, and you have a requisition containing ten items, one of which is faulty, the system generates one PO with nine items. The PO can be transmitted (perhaps automatically) to the vendor. The error is logged and the faulty item must be reprocessed.

Minimum reprocessing effort (you only have to reprocess one item).

Items that logically belong together may be split up among different Pos (PO 1: PC, PO 2 software for PC). Additional communication with vendor necessary.

Do Not Omit Faulty Items

If you have specified that faulty items are not to be omitted, the system will not create a purchase order at all.

Requisition items that logically belong together remain together in the PO. (PO 1 has two items: item 1 is a PC, item 2 software). Minimum order values per PO taken into consideration more effectively. Communication with vendor minimized.

Greater reprocessing effort.
You have to reprocess all ten items.

Manual Reprocessing

All requisitions for which the system was unable to create purchase orders (e.g. because there was no unique source and the buyer has to make a selection from several suggestions) are listed for you in a log. You must first assign sources to these requisition items yourself. You then process them further (i.e. create the relevant follow-on documents).

Creating POs, Schedule Lines, and RFQs from PReqs SAP MM Optimized Purchasing

This section contains practical tips for the manual generation of purchasing documents referencing purchase requisitions. You are shown how to create the following from a list of open requisitions:

· Purchase orders and delivery schedule lines (for items with an assigned source)

· RFQs (for items without an assigned source)

Creating Purchase Orders and Delivery Schedule Lines

You process requisitions in two steps:

  1. Choose requisitions.

You choose the requisitions for which Pos, delivery schedule lines (under scheduling agreements), or RFQs are to be generated. This step is described in "Choosing Requisitions".

  1. Create purchasing documents.

You then create purchase orders or delivery schedule lines (see "Creating Purchase Orders" or "Creating Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines").

Choosing Requisitions

This section shows how to list open requisitions (requisitions whose material has not been ordered, or only ordered in part) and choose which requisitions you wish to process.

  1. Choose Requisition
  2. ® Follow-on functions ® Create purchase order ® Via assignment list.

The screen enabling you to enter selection criteria for the requisitions to be processed appears.

  1. Enter the selection criteria for the requisitions you wish to process. For example, enter the purchasing group key to list all requisitions that have been assigned to your purchasing group.
  2. Choose Execute to obtain a list sorted by vendor. You see how many of your purchasing group’s requisitions have been assigned to each vendor.
  3. Now create either purchase orders or scheduling agreement schedule lines.

Creating Purchase Orders

  1. Position the cursor on the desired vendor or contract and choose Edit
  2. ® Process assignment.

A dialog box for PO creation appears.

  1. Check, enter or change the PO data (for example, the purchasing organization).

Press ENTER to obtain the overview of requisitions flagged for PO generation.

  1. Select the items that are to be adopted in the PO.
  2. Adopt the selected items in the PO.
  3. – If you wish to change the selected items before adopting them, choose Edit ® Selections ® Adopt + details. You then make the desired changes on the item detail screen in each case.

    – If you wish to copy the selected items without first changing them, choose Edit ® Selections ® Adopt.

    The item overview for the new PO (with the items you adopted) appears.

  4. Save the purchase order.

For more information on the creation of purchase orders, refer to the section Creating a Purchase Order.

Creating Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines

  1. Position the cursor on the scheduling agreement for which delivery schedule lines are to be created, and choose Edit
  2. ® Process assignment.

The scheduling agreement item overview appears.

  1. Display the current delivery schedule. If necessary, enter delivery time-spots for individual lines.

The individual schedule lines for the assigned requisitions are generated automatically and inserted into the delivery schedule in the appropriate chronological order.

  1. Save the schedule.

For further information on the creation of delivery schedules under scheduling agreements, refer to Creating Delivery Schedule Lines for a Scheduling Agreement Item.

Creating RFQs

  1. To create RFQs, you must generate a basic list via Requisition ® Follow-on functions ® Assign + process.
  2. From the basic list, you can flag a requisition for RFQ processing. Select a requisition and choose Edit ® Flag for RFQ ® With vendor or Without vendor.
  3. Choose Goto
  4. ® Assignment overview to access the assignment overview screen. Position the cursor on the text Flagged for RFQ processing and choose Edit ® Process assignment.

A dialog box for the creation of RFQs appears.

  1. Enter the deadline for submission of quotations and check other relevant data, such as the purchasing organization.
  2. When you press ENTER, you will obtain an overview of the purchase requisitions that have been flagged for RFQ processing.

  3. Select the items that are to be adopted in the RFQ.
  4. Adopt the selected items in the RFQ.
  5. – If you wish to change the selected items before adopting them, choose Edit ® Selections ® Adopt + details. The relevant item detail screens will then appear, allowing you to make the desired changes.

    – To adopt the selected items without changes, choose Edit ® Selections ® Adopt.

    The item overview for the RFQ to be created is displayed with the adopted items.

  6. If you have flagged the requisition for RFQ processing without a vendor, or if you wish to issue RFQs to another vendor, assign the RFQ to a vendor and save the document.
    Repeat this process for each vendor to whom the RFQ is to be issued.

For more information on the creation of RFQs, refer to the section Creating RFQs.

Assigning Requisitions to Sources SAP MM Optimized Purchasing

This section describes how to search for sources of a requested material and how to assign the requisition to the desired source.

There are various methods of assigning requisitions to sources:

  • Individually (online)

You assign an individual purchase requisition to a source.
You do this when creating or changing a purchase requisition.

  • Collectively (online)

Here you assign the source(s) to all requisitions on a list.

You do this during the processing of requisitions

  • In the background

You can have the source determination and assignment processes carried out in the background. To do so, you must run report RM06BZ10.

You can then process the requisitions with assigned sources in the system.

Individual Assignment of Requisitions


To permit a source to be determined for a certain material (or material group, if no material master record exists), an outline purchase agreement or an info record must have previously been created in the system.


  1. While changing or creating a purchase requisition, branch to the item overview screen of the requisition.
  2. Select the requisition item(s) that has/have to be assigned to a source.
  3. Choose Edit
  4. ® Assign supply source.

The system determines the possible sources of the item.

  1. If there are several possible sources, these are listed in a dialog box.
  2. If you are using the Vendor Evaluation component, you can display the results of the vendor evaluation process. The system then generates a ranking list of the vendors displayed, in relation to the material or material group.

  3. You can adopt the source you wish to assign to the requisition item via Choose. If you do not wish to choose any of the sources offered, close the box with Cancel.

Collective Assignment of Requisitions


This procedure allows you to save time by assigning a number of requisitions to sources all at the same time.

You can choose one of two options:

  • If you only wish to assign requisitions, choose Requisition
  • ® Follow-on functions ® Assign. You will then get your worklist in the form of a basic list.
  • If you wish to assign and process requisitions in a single step, choose Requisition
  • ® Follow-on functions ® Assign + process.

In this case, starting from the basic list of all requisitions to be processed, you can change individual requisitions directly, assign sources, and then generate purchase orders, delivery schedule lines under scheduling agreements, or RFQs.

Processing a Requisition from the Basic List

You have the following options:

  • You can display the results of the vendor evaluation for each purchase requisition (via Environment ® Vendor evaluation). You then obtain a ranking list of all vendors that can supply the material.
  • In addition to the functions you can call up via the buttons in the dialog box, the following functions are available by pressing the right-hand mouse button: Display info records, display vendor evaluation, or display release strategy.
  • You can re-sort the list by selecting the appropriate sort key (Edit
  • ® Sort).
    For example, if the requisitions are to be sorted chronologically by the date they were released for ordering purposes, choose Edit
    ® Sort ® Sort by release date.
  • Use the function Edit
  • ® Update worklist to update the basic list (your worklist) during processing. The requisitions that you have in the meantime assigned to sources and which you have saved then no longer appear in the list.
  • You can change the quantity to be delivered, the delivery date, or the procurement options for a selected item, for example. Choose Goto
  • ® Detailed data. A box appears, allowing you to change the relevant data. (You can only change delivery quantities and dates if you have chosen Assign + process.)
  • Choose Goto
  • ® Assignment overview to display an overview of the requisitions that have been assigned. The overview contains a list of the vendors to whom requisitions have been assigned and the number of requisitions assigned to each vendor. (For example: five requisitions have been assigned to contract no. 12).
  • If you have chosen Requisition ® Follow-on functions ® Assign + process, you can flag a requisition for RFQ processing. Select the requisition and choose Edit ® Flag for RFQ ® With vendor or Without vendor. You can generate an RFQ from a requisition that has been flagged for RFQ processing on the assignment overview screen.
  • If you have chosen Requisition ® Follow-on functions ® Assign + process and have assigned a source to the requisition, you can generate purchase orders and scheduling agreement schedule lines from the assignment overview screen.


In order to be able to select requisitions for processing using the mouse, you must set the Selection indicator in Customizing for Purchasing. (Reporting ® Maintain Purchase Requisition Lists under Default (SAP Transactions).


  1. Choose Requisition
  2. ® Follow-on functions ® Assign or Assign + process.

    The selection screen on which you enter the criteria for selecting the requisitions to be assigned appears.

  3. Enter the selection criteria for the requisitions to be assigned. For example, enter the purchasing group key to list all requisitions that have been assigned to your purchasing group for processing.
  4. If you wish to assign more than one requisition, you must first select the relevant ones. Via the Edit
  5. ® Select menu you can select all or a block of requisitions.
  6. You can assign sources manually or automatically.

Automatic assignment means that the system determines possible sources.

You can also enter the source of supply for a requisition directly, i.e. manually. For example, you can use this function to assign the requisition to a vendor from whom you have not previously ordered anything.

a. Choose Edit ® Source of supply ® Assign automatically to determine possible sources for the previously selected requisition(s).

The system determines the possible sources for each requested material on the list.

If more than one possible source exists for a requisition, a dialog box listing them appears.

Either click on Choose to pick out the desired source, or choose Cancel if none of the sources is suitable.

If you selected more than one requisition for assignment, the box for the next requisition with more than one possible source appears. Repeat the process until all requisitions have been assigned to sources.

b. Choose Edit ® Source of supply ® Assign manually if you wish to enter the source directly.

If any requisitions have already been assigned to a source, the system overwrites the old source with the new one.

Choose Edit ® Cancel assignment if you want to reinstate the original assignments of the requisitions.

  1. To confirm the assignment of selected items from within the basic list, choose Edit
  2. ® Change requisitions. The system issues a message confirming that the requisition(s) has/have been changed.

For further information on creating purchasing documents from requisitions refer to the section Creating POs, Delivery Schedule Lines, and RFQs from Requisitions.

Assigning Requisns. to Sources/Further Processing SAP MM Optimized Purchasing


This section explains the functions provided by the SAP System for converting requisitions into RFQs, purchase orders, contract release orders, or lines of delivery schedules created under scheduling agreements, and the processing options thereby available to you.

  • Assigning
  • means defining the desired source for each purchase requisition item
  • Further processing
  • involves generating lists of requisitions that have been assigned or flagged as outlined above, and the subsequent creation of RFQs, purchase orders, or lines of delivery schedules under scheduling agreements.


The system offers you the following functions:

  • Assign purchase requisitions
    This involves assigning sources of supply to individual requisition items
  • Further processing of purchase requisitions via the assignment list

This involves the manual creation of purchase orders or delivery schedule lines from a list of requisitions with assigned sources

  • Assign and process purchase requisitions
    This involves assigning sources to listed purchase requisitions and creating RFQs, POs, and delivery schedule lines. (This function is a combination of "Assign Purchase Requisitions" and "Further Processing of Purchase Requisitions via the Assignment List". You can also change order quantities and delivery dates.)
  • Create purchase orders from requisitions automatically
    This involves having the system generate POs automatically from a list of purchase requisitions with assigned sources (see
  • Automatic Generation of POs from Requisitions.)

Assignment and Further Processing of Requisitions: Options

The assignment of sources to and further processing of purchase requisitions are two distinct functions. You can choose whether you wish to perform the functions in two separate steps or in just one.

In two separate worksteps:
If the two functions are to be performed in separate steps (by two different individuals, for example), use the following menus:

  • For the first step: Requisition
  • ® Follow-on functions ® Assign

See Assigning Purchase Requisitions to Sources

  • For the second step: Requisition
  • ® Follow-on functions ® Create purchase order ® Via assignment list.

See Creating POs, Delivery Schedule Lines, and RFQs from Requisitions

In a single workstep:
If you wish to perform both functions in a single step, choose Requisition
® Follow-on functions ® Assign + process.

See Assigning Purchase Requisitions to Sources

See Creating POs, Delivery Schedule Lines, and RFQs from Requisitions

Monitoring Quota Arrangements SAP MM Optimized Purchasing

This section shows you how to:

  • Display the quota arrangement for a material
  • Display changes to a quota arrangement
  • List and maintain the quota arrangements of several materials
  • Simulate automatic source determination
  • Analyze quota arrangement items
    (for example, check the quota arrangements that contain no quota arrangement records in a specified period)
  • Revise a quota arrangement

Displaying a Quota Arrangement

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Quota arrangement ® Display. The initial screen for the quota arrangement appears.
  3. Enter the material and plant number. Then press
  4. ENTER to display the overview screen.
  5. You can display individual records quota arrangement records by selecting a quota arrangement and choosing Goto
  6. ® Item overview.

Displaying Changes to a Quota Arrangement

Each change to a quota arrangement is logged. This provides an audit trail of changes.

The log shows:

  • What was changed (old and new values)
  • When the quota arrangement item in question was changed
  • Who changed it

You can display changes made to a quota arrangement as follows:

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Quota arrangement ® Changes.
  3. Specify the selection criteria for the changes. You can enter:
  4. – Material and plant (mandatory)

    – User name of the person responsible whose changes you wish to display (optional)

    – Date as of which the changes are to be displayed (optional)

  5. Display the changes you are interested in.

Displaying Quota Arrangements for Several Materials

You can list the quota arrangements of all materials. In addition, you can maintain an individual quota arrangement from the list.

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Quota arrangement ® List displays ® By material.
  3. Enter the interval of material numbers or plants for which you wish to display the quota arrangement items.
  4. Display the list of the quota arrangement items you are interested in.

    To display the material master record, select the relevant quota arrangement item and choose Environment ® Material. If you wish to display the vendor master record of a quota arrangement item, choose Environment ® Vendor.

  5. Select the quota arrangement item to be changed or maintained, and choose Edit
  6. ® Quota arrangement.

Simulating Source Determination Under Quota Arrangements

You can simulate the process of source determination for a material subject to a quota arrangement. That is to say, you can determine which source would be suggested in a purchase requisition for the material on a certain date. In this way, you can check whether the quota arrangement items on which the process of automatic determination of the source of supply is based have been correctly maintained.

For more information on the determination of sources of supply, refer to the section Optimized Purchasing.

Types of Simulation

You can simulate the following:

  • Which sources of supply would be determined if the quota arrangement were the only source identification option (that is, source determination is carried out
  • without taking outline agreements, info records, or source lists into account)
  • Which sources of supply would be determined by the system (that is, taking outline agreements, info records, quota arrangements, and source lists into account)


To simulate the source determination process, proceed as follows

  1. From the overview screen for quota arrangement periods, choose:

Extras ® Simulation ® Quota arrangement, if only the quota arrangement is to be taken into account in the source determination process.

Extras ® Simulation ® Source of supply, if outline agreements, info records, quota arrangement, and source lists are to be taken into account. After pressing ENTER , you must specify the order date for which the simulation is to be carried out.

  1. Press
  2. ENTER to display the source of supply that the system would determine according to the quota arrangement or other sourcing options.

Quota Arrangement Analysis

Use the quota arrangement analysis option to list the materials of a plant for which no quota arrangements exist within a certain period. In this way, you can find out which materials have quota arrangements that are incompletely maintained.

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Quota arrangement ® Follow-on functions ® Analyze.
  3. Enter the interval of material numbers or the plants for which you wish to analyze the quota arrangement items.
  4. Specify the scope of the analysis. You can narrow it down according to the following criteria:

– Start and end dates of a validity period containing a quota arrangement for the specified material

– Interval of quota arrangement numbers

– Time frame for the quota arrangements to be analyzed

  1. Choose Program
  2. ® Execute. The materials whose quota arrangements are incompletely maintained are displayed.
  3. Maintain quota arrangement: Select the quota arrangement item to be changed or maintained, and choose Edit
  4. ® Quota arrangement.
  5. Display material master record: Select the quota arrangement item whose material master record you wish to display. Choose Environment
  6. ® Material.

Revision of Quota Arrangement SAP MM Optimized Purchasing


If you have changed the validity period of an already existing quota arrangement, for example, you should subsequently revise the quota arrangement.

When you do this, the quota-allocated quantities of the individual sources of supply are adjusted accordingly. This means that the total quantity from all purchasing documents and planned orders assigned to a source of supply is updated in the quota-allocated quantity of the quota arrangement items. (The document types to be included in the calculation of the total quantity are determined via the Quota arrangement usage field in the material master record.)

The revision of quota arrangements is carried out in the background because revising them online can slow down system response times.


  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Quota arrangement ® Follow-on functions ® Revise (backgr.)
  3. Define the selection criteria in a variant.
  4. Schedule the job.

Determining the Source Under a Quota Arrangement SAP MM Optimized Purchasing


The system calculates the next source from which a specific material requirement is to be procured from among the sources that have been assigned a quota in the current validity period. This calculation is carried out if you have the source of supply for a requested material determined by the system.


Calculating the Quota Rating

The system assigns a quota rating to each source of supply. The quota rating is calculated as follows:

Quota-allocated quantity + Quota base quantity
---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Quota rating


  • Quota-allocated quantity
    = Total quantity from all purchase requisitions, purchase orders, release orders, and scheduling agreement schedules allocated to a given source of supply. (The quantities of quota-allocated planned orders are also taken into account.)
  • Quota base quantity
    = Quantity used to control the quota arrangement when new sources of supply are included.
  • Quota
    = A number specifying which portion of a total requirement should be obtained from a certain source.

The source with the lowest quota rating represents the valid source, even if it has a quota rating of 0 (that is, the quota-allocated quantity and the quota base quantity have the value 0). If more than one source of supply has a quota rating of 0, the item with the highest quota is the valid source of supply.

According to the formula, the following applies: the higher the quota, the lower the quota rating and the higher the likelihood that the relevant source will be determined as the valid source.

Determining the Quota Base Quantity

The quota base quantity is used when you include a new source in an existing quota arrangement.

The quota base quantity enables you to prevent the new source from being assigned all requirements (in the form of requisitions or Pos, for example) until its quota-allocated quantity exceeds the quota-allocated quantity of one of the existing sources. This is achieved as a result of the fact that the quota base quantity acts as an additional quota-allocated quantity in the calculation of the quota rating.

Suppose you include a new vendor in an already existing quota arrangement for a material. The existing quota arrangement consists of two vendors, each of which has been allocated 50% of the total requirement of a material over a period. Each of these vendors has a large quota-allocated quantity because a lot of material has been ordered from them to date during the course of the quota arrangement period.

The new vendor is to be assigned a share of the total requirement of the material equal to that of the two other vendors in the quota arrangement. However, in accordance with the formula for the calculation of the quota rating, all subsequent requisitions will be assigned to the new vendor until such time as the latter’s quota rating exceeds the quota rating of one of the other vendors.

However, if the requisitions are to be assigned on an equal basis, that is, as though the new vendor had always participated in the quota arrangement, you must have the quota base quantity for the new vendor determined by the system.

Individual and Collective Calculation

Two procedures for determining the quota base quantity are available in the system:

Individual calculation
Calculation of the quota base quantity of the selected quota arrangement items. Select the items whose quota base quantity is to be calculated and choose Edit
® Base quantities ® Indiv. calculation.

Collective calculation
Calculation of the quota base quantity of all quota arrangement items. Use this procedure if the assignment of individual requirements is to be effected on an equal basis for all sources of supply. Choose Edit
® Base quantities ® Collect. calculation.

As a result of the calculation of the quota basis quantity, the quota rating of a new source exceeds the quota rating of the source representing the valid source (that is, the source to which the next individual requirement is assigned because it has the lowest quota rating).

Calculating the Quota Rating: Example

You wish to include the new vendor C in an existing quota arrangement that has been in effect for a year and previously only included vendors A and B.

Each vendor has the quota set out in the following table:

Quota arrangement for vendors A, B, and C


Quota-allocated quantity

Quota base quantity













The quota base quantity 260 for vendor C was set with Edit ® Base quantities ® Indiv. calculation.

According to the previously-discussed formula, the quota ratings for vendors A, B, and C are as follows:

780 + 0
A =
------------------- = 260

380 + 0
B =
------------------- = 190

0 + 260
C =
------------------- = 260

Result: The next requisition will be assigned to Vendor B because this vendor has the lowest quota rating.

Maintaining a Quota Arrangement SAP MM Optimized Purchasing


You establish the quota arrangement for a material over a certain period by entering quotas for the various sources of supply in a quota arrangement item.


Before creating a quota arrangement, you require the following information:

  • Number of the material or the plant to which the quota arrangement applies
  • (If you are maintaining a quota arrangement for a material with a manufacturer part number) MPN material. See:
  • Manufacturer Part Number (MPN).
  • Procurement type of the material (that is, whether the material is manufactured in-house or procured externally)
  • Vendor number
  • Quota arrangement
  • validity period
  • Quota to be assigned to each source of supply
  • Special procurement type (defining, for example, whether a consignment arrangement exists with the source of supply)

Furthermore, you must define the applications in which the quota arrangement of the material is used (for example, in Materials Planning or in purchase requisitions). Check the Quota arrangement usage field in the purchasing or materials planning and control data of the material master record.

In connection with the quota arrangement, the splitting quota is only relevant to Materials Planning, not to Purchasing.
In Materials Planning, requirements can be split up among various vendors. This is not possible in Purchasing.


To set up a quota arrangement for the procurement of a material, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Quota arrangement ® Maintain.
  3. Enter the material and plant number. Then press
  4. ENTER to display the overview screen for the quota arrangement periods.
  5. Enter a validity period for the quota arrangement.

Enter the date until which the quota arrangement is valid. The start date is calculated by the system.

Press ENTER .

  1. Select the quota arrangement and choose Goto
  2. ® Item overview to display the item overview screen of the quota arrangement.
  3. Enter a quota arrangement item for each source of supply you want to include in the quota arrangement. You must enter the following data.
  4. Procurement type

    A quota arrangement can provide for external procurement or in-house production. Enter f (the indicator for external procurement) in the P column.

    Special procurement type

    Enter k in the S column, for example, if a consignment arrangement for the material exists with the vendor.

    Vendor number

    Enter the number of the vendor from whom you want to procure, if the material is procured externally.

    Procurement plant (supplying plant):

    Enter the key of the procurement plant (supplying plant) in column PPl, if the procurement type provides for in-house production.


    In the Quota column, enter the quota assigned to each item. The quota determines which portion of a total requirement over a period should be procured from the source in question.

    For example, suppose a quota arrangement contains two sources of supply and you enter a quota of 1 for both. This means that each source is then allocated 50% of the total requirements for the material over the period in question.

  5. Press
  6. ENTER.

    The percentage distribution of the quotas is calculated and displayed automatically by the system.

  7. Save the quota arrangement.

The system assigns a number to the quota arrangement item automatically.

Quota Arrangement SAP MM Optimized Purchasing


The quota arrangement is an instrument used in sourcing administration.

A quota arrangement divides the total requirement of a material over a period among certain sources of supply by assigning a quota to each source.

The quota specifies which portion of the total requirement should be procured from a given source.

If a quota arrangement exists for a material, it is taken into account in the source determination process.

A quota arrangement is specified for a certain period. A quota arrangement item is created for each source within the period.

The existence of a quota arrangement does not involve the apportioning (among different sources) of an individual material requirement (that is the quantity set out in an individual purchase requisition). The entire requested quantity in a requisition is assigned to one source under the quota arrangement.

Monitoring the Source List SAP MM Optimized Purchasing

This section shows you how to:

  • Display the source list for a material
  • Display changes to a source list
  • List and maintain the source list for several materials
  • Simulate automatic source determination
  • Analyze source list records (e.g. check the materials in a plant with source list requirement that have no source list records within a specified period)

Displaying the Source List

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Source list ® Display. The initial screen for the source list appears.
  3. Enter the material and plant number. Then press
  4. ENTER to display the overview screen.
  5. If you wish to see the source list records as of a certain date, choose Edit
  6. ® Position. In the dialog box, specify from which validity period the source list records are to be displayed.
    ENTER to display the records.
  7. You can display details for the chosen source list records. To do so, select the desired source list records and choose Goto
  8. ® Details.

Displaying Changes to a Source List

Each change to a source list is logged. This provides an audit trail of changes.

The log shows:

  • When the relevant source list record was changed
  • Who changed it
  • What was changed (with the old and new values)

To display the changes made to a source list, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Source list ® Changes. The initial screen for the source list appears.
  3. Specify the selection criteria for the changes. You can enter:
  4. – Number of the material and the plant key (mandatory)

    – User name of the person responsible whose changes you wish to display (optional)

    – Date as of which the changes are to be displayed (optional)

  5. Choose Program ® Execute to display a list of the relevant changes.

Displaying the Source List for Several Materials

You can display the source list for more than one material. You can also maintain the source list from within the list display.

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Source list ® List displays ® By material.
  3. Enter the interval of material numbers or plant keys for which you wish to display source list records.
  4. Display the list of chosen source list records.

You can display the vendor or material master record that the selected source list record relates to by choosing Environment ® Material or Environment ® Vendor.

If you wish to change the source list record, choose Edit ® Source list on the source list you wish to change. The chosen source list record is displayed.

Simulating Source Determination

The source list is used to determine which source of supply is suggested for a purchase requisition item.

In the source list for a material, you can carry out a simulation showing which source would be suggested in a purchase requisition for the material on a certain date. In this way, you can check whether the source list records on which the process of automatic determination of the source of supply is based have been correctly maintained.

For more information on source determination, refer to the section Optimized Purchasing.

Types of Simulation

You can simulate the following:

  • Which sources of supply would be suggested by the system in requisitions or purchase orders (that is, taking outline agreements, info records, and quota arrangements into account)
  • Which sources of supply would be suggested if the source list were the only source identification option (that is, source determination is carried out without taking outline agreements, info records, or quota arrangements into account)


  1. From the overview screen for the source list, choose:
  2. Extras ® Simulation ® Source list, if only the source list should be taken into account in the source determination process.

    Extras ® Simulation ® Source of supply, if outline agreements, info records, and quota arrangement should be taken into account in determining the source.

  3. Enter the order date for which the simulation is to be carried out.

Press ENTER to display the effective source of supply (i.e. the source that the system would determine according to the source list or other procurement options).

Analyzing the Source List

Use the source list analysis option to list the materials of a plant for which no source list records exist within a certain period. In this way, you can determine for which materials source list records are missing in the case of plants with a source list requirement.

  1. Choose Master data
  2. ® Source list ® Follow-on functions ® Analyze.
  3. Enter the interval of material numbers or the plants for which you wish to analyze the source list records.
  4. Specify the scope of the analysis. You can narrow it down according to the following criteria:
  5. Validity period: Enter the start and end dates of a validity period containing source list records for the specified material.

    Plants with source list requirement only: If you set this indicator, all materials of those plants that are subject to a source list requirement and which are incompletely maintained are displayed.

    Threshold value: All those materials in the chosen plants whose number of source list records is less than this value are displayed. This enables you to determine the materials for which few sources exist in the system.

  6. Run the analysis.
  7. The materials whose source list records are incompletely maintained are displayed (in accordance with the selection criteria).

  8. Maintain source list: Select the material master record whose source list you wish to maintain. Choose Edit
  9. ® Source list to maintain the source list for the material.
  10. Display material master record:
  11. Select the material master record whose source list you wish to display. Choose Environment ® Material, to display the material master record.


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