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Cancelling Items of an Outline Agreement using SAP MM

You cancel items in an outline agreement by deleting them. You can only cancel closed items. (Items are closed if there are no outstanding deliveries relating to ordered or invoiced quantities.)


  1. Choose Outline agreement
  2. ® Change.
  3. Enter the number of the relevant outline agreement. Then press
  4. ENTER,
  5. Select the item(s) you wish to delete. Then choose Edit
  6. ® Delete.
  7. In the dialog box which now appears, confirm your intention to delete with Yes.
  8. Save the agreement.

  9. Contract using SAP MM
  10. Conditions in Outline Agreements using SAP MM
  11. Archiving Outline Agreements using SAP MM
  12. Monitoring Outline Agreements using SAP MM
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  14. Cancelling Items of an Outline Agreement using SAP...
  15. Changing an Outline Agreement using SAP MM Outline...
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  17. Outline Purchase Agreement for SAP MM
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