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Changing Planned Orders

It may be necessary to make changes to an existing planned order. This can occur, for example, if the planned order in question has been firmed but if it then received a rescheduling proposal during the planning run.

If you want to change a planned order, proceed as follows:

  1. Starting from the menu screen of material requirements planning, select Planned order
  2. ® Change.

    The initial screen for changing a planned order now appears.

  3. Enter the number of the planned order to be changed and press
  4. ENTER.

    The details screen now appears.

  5. Make the necessary changes.
  6. Save the changes with Planned order
  7. ® Save.

If you have made changes to a planned order, it is then treated as firm for material requirements planning - exactly as was the case for a manually created planned order. Therefore, it will not be changed during the following planning runs.

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