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Collective Display Displaying Planned Orders

With the collective display, all planned orders which correspond to the specified selection criteria are displayed; for example, all planned orders of a certain MRP controller. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Starting from the menu screen of mateiral requirements planning, select Planned order
  2. ® Display ® Collective display.

    The initial screen for the collective display now appears.

    You have the option to search for planned orders by MRP controller, material, run schedule header, version or production line.

    The following procedure uses Search for planned orders via MRP controller.

  3. Select an MRP controller number and choose
  4. Search.

    A dialog box appears.

  5. Enter the plant and MRP contoller number.
  6. If you want to narrow down the selection further, enter an end date, that is a date up until which the planned orders are to be displayed.

  7. Press ENTER.

The system displays an overview of the all planned orders which correspond to your selection criteria.

From this overview, you have various options for processing the planned orders:

    • To display additional data for a particular planned order, select the appropriate planned order and choose
    • Display planned ord.

A dialog box with additional data now appears.

    • If you want to change a particular planned order, select the appropriate planned order and choose
    • Change planned order.

The details screen now appears in the change mode.

    • If you want to delete a particular planned order or planned orders, select the appropriate planned order or planned orders and choose
    • Delete.

A dialog box appears in which you confirm that the system is to delete the planned orders.

    • If you want to display a pegged requirement for a particular planned order, select the appropriate planned order and choose
    • Pegged requirements.

The pegged requirement screen now appears.

    • If you want to display an order report for a particular planned order, select the appropriate planned order and choose
    • Order report.

The order report screen appears.

    • If you want to sort the planned orders differently, position the cursor in the column with the criteria by which you want to sort, such as the order start date, and choose
    • Sort.

The system sorts the planned orders according to the sorting criteria chosen, according to the order start date, for example.

    • If you want to convert a certain planned order into a purchase requisition, select the appropriate planned order and choose
    • Convert -> planned ordpur. req.

If you changed or converted a planned order in this overview, it will then be recorded as being firmed (X in the Firmed column).

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