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Displaying Entries in the Planning File

If you want to display the entries in a planning file for a plant, proceed as follows:

  1. Starting from the menu screen of material requirements planning, select Planning file entry
  2. ® Display.

    The initial screen for displaying the planning file entries now appears.

  3. Enter your selection criteria:
  4. – If you want to display a particular material in the planning file, enter the material number. If you leave this field blank then the system displays all materials.

    – If you specify a plant, the system displays all the materials in this plant. If you leave this field blank then the system displays all plants where material requirements planning is active along with the materials relevant to MRP. In the example, all planning file entries are to be displayed for plant 0001.

    – If you want to limit your selection to certain low-level codes, enter the corresponding values in the fields Low-level code from and to. (The low-level code is stored for every material in the material master record.)

    – If you select the field Additional mat. data (additional material data), the material short text and the MRP controller are also displayed.

  5. Press
  6. ENTER.

    The list of all planning file entries which correspond to your selection criteria now appears.

    The individual columns mean the following:

    – The record type of the planning file entry is given in column RT. MRP materials are automatically provided with a B and MPS materials with an M.

    – In the material master record, each material is allocated one low-level code (field L.Lvl Code) which is determined by the bill of material (BOM) management program. It is the lowest level at which the material appears in a BOM, which is recorded in the material master record and, therefore, also in the planning file. This level, thus represents the longest route from the end product to the material in question. In an MRP run, the materials are processed in sequence according to their low-level codes. By using this method of low-level codes, you can be certain that the total net requirements of a material is recorded during its requirements explosion.

    If a material does not appear in a bill of material, the system will automatically allocate the highest level (999).

    – If the Total change indicator is set for a material then it is included in net change planning. The material is automatically provided with this indicator if it has undergone a change relevant to MRP (for example, outward stock movements or a change of date in a purchase order). Once the the planning run has been carried out, the system deletes the total change indicator (and also the net change planning indicator).

    – If the Net change planning indicator is set for a material then this material is included in the net change planning in the planning horizon. The system automatically sets this indicator for a material if it has undergone a change relevant to MRP within the planning horizon. Once the the planning run has been carried out, the system deletes the net change planning indicator. The total change indicator remains.

    – If you set the Reset indicator then planning dates which may be available (order proposals) are not reactivated even if the dates and quantities suit the planning situation. The system always creates new order proposals.

    – If you set the BOM explosion indicator, then available planned orders are taken over but the BOM is re-exploded.

  7. Press
  8. F5.

You branch into a pop-up window with statistical data on:

    • how many materials were selected
    • how many of the selected materials are marked for a total planning run
    • how many of the selected materials are marked for a planning run in the planning horizon
    • for how many materials the reset indicator is set
    • for how many materials the BOM explosion indicator is set

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