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Creating Delivery Schedule Lines for SA Item using SAP MM Outline Purchase Agreements With Vendors


To create delivery schedule lines for a scheduling agreement item, you need the following information:

  • Scheduling agreement number and the number of the item to be scheduled
  • List of the delivery dates, times, and quantities you have negotiated with the vendor


  1. Choose Outline agreement
  2. ® Scheduling agreement ® Delivery schedule ® Maintain.

    The initial screen for creating/maintaining delivery schedules under scheduling agreements appears.

  3. Enter the document number of the scheduling agreement and press
  4. ENTER.

    The item overview screen for the scheduling agreement appears.

  5. Select the item you wish to schedule. Then choose Item
  6. ® Delivery schedule.
  7. Enter the following for each schedule line:
  8. - Date category ( M onth, W eek, or D ay) and the corresponding date

    - Delivery time-spot (if applicable)

    - Quantity to deliver (the unit of measure is the same as in the scheduling agreement)

    Referencing a purchase requisition: Choose Sch. agmt. schedule ® Create w. reference ® To purchase req. to adopt the delivery data from an existing requisition.

  9. Save the delivery schedule.


The scheduling agreement delivery schedule is created in the R/3 System. In order that the information in the delivery schedule can be transmitted to the vendor, the system generates a message for the schedule. How to transmit the message to the vendor is described under Outputting Messages.

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