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Creating a SAP Purchase Order by Copying or Referencing

You can save time and effort when creating or changing a purchase order by copying an already existing one or adopting items from an existing requisition, RFQ, or contract.


  1. Choose Purchase order
  2. ® Create ® Vendor known.

    The initial screen appears.

  3. If the document you wish to reference is a requisition, an RFQ, or a contract, choose Purchase order
  4. ® Create with reference ® <To reference document>.

    To copy an existing purchase order, choose Purchase order ® Copy.

    In the dialog box which now appears, enter the number of the reference document and the relevant item number (if known). Press ENTER to display the item overview screen.

  5. Select the items to be adopted.
  6. If you wish to change the selected items before you adopt them, choose Edit ® Adopt + Details. Change the individual items on the item detail screen.

    If you wish to adopt the selected items without first changing them, choose Edit ® Adopt.

    The item overview for the newly created PO (with the items you adopted) appears.

  7. Save the purchase order.


The purchase order is created in the R/3 System. In order that the information in the purchase order can be transmitted to the vendor, the system generates a message for the PO. How to transmit the message to the vendor is described under Outputting Messages.

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