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Creating a SAP Purchase Order PO - Without a Master Record

If no material master record exists for the material you wish to order (for example, in the case of non-stock material), proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Purchase order
  2. ® Create ® Vendor known.
  3. On the initial screen, enter the relevant data or change existing values, as necessary.
  4. Press
  5. ENTER to call up the item overview.
  6. Enter the following information:
  7. Material
    Leave the Material column blank. Enter a short description of the material in the Text field and the material group in the Material group field.

    Account assignment
    See Account Assignment

    Order quantity
    See Units of Measure in Purchase Orders


    If you first enter the vendor’s gross price per unit and then conditions for the item (Item ® Conditions), the system will automatically replace the gross price you entered with the net price.

    You can also enter the net price (the price after taking discounts and surcharges into account).

    If you leave the field empty and then press ENTER , a dialog box appears. Here you must enter either the price or the number of the info record containing conditions for the item.

    For more information on this topic, refer to the section Maintaining Conditions.

    Price unit/order price unit

    If the specified price relates to a unit that differs from the order unit, you can enter the order price unit (OPUn column) and the price unit (per column) here. After pressing ENTER , you can specify the conversion factor on the item detail screen (if one has not already been defined in the system).
    For more information, refer to the section
    Units of Measure in Purchase Orders

    Delivery date

    Plant/storage location

  8. Check the following where appropriate:

– Item data (item detail screen)

- Document header data (header detail screen)

– Texts for the item (Item ® Texts ® Text overview)

If the text does not have the status N , you can change it.
(For more information, refer to the section
Entering Text, Printing and Transmitting Documents (as Messages).)

– PO header texts (Header ® Texts ® Text overview)

  1. Choose Item ® Account assignments to enter additional account assignment data (for example, the number of the G/L account). (For further information, refer to
  2. Account Assignment.)

    Choose Header ® Conditions to display the effective value of the purchase order.

  3. Save the purchase order.


The purchase order is created in the R/3 System. In order that the information in the purchase order can be transmitted to the vendor, the system generates a message for the PO. How to transmit the message to the vendor is described in the section Outputting Messages.

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